Administrative Law 

Access to review of government decisions is a key component of access to justice.

Government Accountability

Administrative law is the body of law that regulates governmental departments and offers accountability mechanisms that apply to government decision making about individual matters.

Access to review of government decisions is a key component of access to justice.

At Beek & Gallagher Legal we provide assistance to individuals or entities affected by government decisions in a variety of ways.

We provide sound legal advice and cost-effective strategies in challenging those decisions.

New South Wales Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) has a broad jurisdiction including:

  1. Administrative and Equal Opportunity (Access to information, Working with Children checks);
  2. Consumer and Commercial (Tenancy/Residential property, Consumer Claims);
  3. Guardianship, and
  4. Occupational (Licensing).



Administrative law appeals and Merits reviews, including appeals before Commonwealth Tribunals (AAT) and State Tribunals (NCAT).


Judicial Review

Advice and representation in matters involving the Judicial Review. 


Advice and representation in matters involving Freedom of Information (FOI).

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